A $1000 grant will be awarded this year to an active member of the Santa Maria Women’s Network. This grant is intended to assist an SMWN Member with continuing education, business building, or enhancing business expertise. Questions may be directed to our Member Grant Chair at [email protected]. The Member Grant will be awarded once a year, at the June meeting.
Applicants must fulfill the following qualifications:
1. Be a member at least one year prior to the application deadline
2. Attend a minimum of nine (9) general meetings within the past year
3. All dues and fees must be current
To Apply:
1. Fill out the Member Grant form at the bottom of this page -or- Click here to download a .pdf of the Application to submit via email, snail mail, or in person.
2. Application will ask for your applicant details, letters of business recommendation, and 3 essays. Be sure to complete all steps to qualify.
5. Submit Application by the last Friday in April.
Applications are reviewed by a committee of local professionals who are not members of the Santa Maria Women’s Network.
This year, the Member Grant is awarded at the General Meeting of the SMWN, the first Wednesday in June.
WINNER MUST BE PRESENT TO ACCEPT THE AWARD. Follow all directions to qualify.
Deadline for all applications, without exception, is the last Friday in April. Applications are to be sent on or by this date and emailed directly to [email protected]. Alternatively, application packets may be hand-delivered to our Member Grant chair during the April Monthly meeting, or a prior meeting.
Member Grant Application
Apply for the Santa Maria Women’s Network Annual Member Grant. Applicants must fulfill the following qualifications: 1. Be a SMWN member at least one year prior to the application deadline 2. Attend a minimum of nine (9) general meetings within the past year 3. All dues and fees must be current All applications must be received by the last Friday in April to be considered for the SMWN Member Grant